Host:  Welcome to Independent Perspective, a public affairs presentation of Western New York Independent Living (WNYIL). Our guest today is Christian Kosanovich, Administrative Assistant and Staff Driver with Independence Express, and your host is yours truly Ernie Churchwell. Welcome to the program Chris

Guest:  Thank you, Ernie.

Host:  And you're here, in particular because of something exciting your department is doing, having to do with Election Day. But I'm betting that a lot of people listening are not familiar with just what all Independence Express does. It's a service focused primarily on individuals with disabilities in the community, is it not?

Guest:  Yes, it is.

Host:  And what kind of vehicles do you have to provide the service?

Guest:  We currently have a fleet of six vehicles for wheelchair vans, which is to say, vans capable of transporting people in wheelchairs, and two mini vans for people who are ambulatory.

Host:  And that's because there are a lot of people say with vision problems, or other situations, that means they need rides but are not necessarily wheelchair users. I found it fairly impressive, some of the numbers that I've heard. Could you give us an idea of what sort of services you provided in the last full year 2018?

Guest:  In 2018 we provided over 200,000 miles of service for roughly 250 people.

Host:  That's terrific. And although rides to see Aunt Tilly or go to the mall are done on a fee basis, because there are plenty of other services out there providing transportation to doctor visits, Aunt Tilly does not necessarily get trumped by a later request for a doctor visit. There is one aspect of service which is government funded, Family Support Services, could you give us some idea about that?

Guest:  The Family Support Service Program is designed, you could almost say, specifically for Aunt Tilly. That program allows an individual with a disability if they're able to sign up for it to travel anywhere they want. And for us that means anywhere in Erie, Niagara, Genesee, Wyoming, or Orleans counties, that's the area we cover.

Host:  And that's an exciting service for people who really need it. And so that people can hear it in case they don't have a pencil handy, could you mention what the phone number is and how they can get more information on these services?

Guest:  The phone number is 836-0822. And if you're inquiring about our services themselves for that you would call the intake office at extension 126.

Host:  Alright, and there'll be a special arrangement, about what you're going to be talking about next, because it's Election Day coming up and we know that New York State has instituted early voting procedures which some are taking advantage of. I bet you there's a lot of people who still like the idea of going to the polls on the first Tuesday after the first Monday, and Independence Express is making that easier in the five-county coverage area. Could you tell us what's going to happen?

Guest:  Certainly, you would call our number directly which is 836-0822 extension 108. That is my extension in fact, and you can either speak with me, or if you don't speak with a live person you can leave a message. And on that day, we will get back to you. And what you would do is we would need your name, where you live, where your polling places, so you do have to know the name and address of your polling place, and we'll figure out a time to come pick you up and take you to your polling place.

Host:  Well, that's quite a service, and I understand you can't take people up or down stairs though.

Guest:  Correct, if an individual is in a wheelchair, we cannot take them up or down the stairs in that wheelchair.

Host:  Well still that's quite a valuable service being able to take people in wheelchairs or with other disability issues to the polling place, and if you could repeat that number one more time in the closing seconds.

Guest:  836-0822 extension 108

Host:  Thanks so much and we appreciate what you're doing for voters with disabilities in the five counties.

You've been listening to Independent Perspective, a public affairs presentation of WNYIL. Our guest today was Christian Kosanovich, Administrative Assistant and Staff Driver with Independence Express, and your host has been yours truly, Ernie Churchwell.