WNYIL's virtual Annual Meeting

Guest:  Daniel Colpoy

Topic:  WNYIL's virtual Annual Meeting

Duration:  5:45

Published:  June 9, 2020


Host:  Welcome to Independent Perspective, a public affairs presentation of Western New York Independent Living (WNYIL). Our guest today is Daniel Colpoys, Chief Community Engagement Officer of WNYIL, and your host is yours truly Ernie Churchwell. Welcome to the program, Dan.

Guest:  Hello there, Ernie, thanks for having me on today.

Host:  And I believe that you're going to give us more information about the upcoming virtual Annual Meeting of the WNYIL of agencies and irony of ironies it's our 40th anniversary, and we have to get together over the internet and telephone. Can you tell us more about what that experience will be like?

Guest:  Sure. So, as with most events nowadays, they are turning virtual so our what is normally a large gathering on an annual basis with our Annual Meeting will now be a virtual affair, which is fine, it'll still be fun, cool, exciting, stuff. It is our 40th anniversary so we're excited about that. And the Annual Meeting is an event where we basically celebrate award winners. Our volunteer of the year, our Employee of the Year, our Corporate Supporter of the Year, and our Community Supporter of the Year. So, we honor those folks who have supported us throughout the course of the year. It's also a board meeting, so there is some board business to take care of such as voting on new officers as well as the family of agencies council members. We also have a guest speaker this year, Clifton Perez. Clifton is the System's Advocate for the Independent Living Center of the Hudson Valley. And he also serves as the Vice President of the National Council on Independent Living. So, as I mentioned previously, while it's normally a large gathering in person this year it will be virtual. Folks will access a GoTo Meeting link, but it'll still be fun. We also do an annual Year In Review video which is fantastic every year which highlights all of the activities and events and goings on within the agency for the past year, so all the events and activities that typically take place at the in person, Annual Meeting what will still take place at the virtual Annual Meeting.

Host:  Oh wait, but in this case, they won't have to put in their order for their entree of choice because they'll be providing their entree of choice at home.

Guest:  That's right, everyone will be on their own this year for food and drink. So, which could be a good thing you can have steak and lobster if you want instead of the typical pasta, chicken, beef offerings.

Host:  Not to mention the vegetarian choice.

Guest:  And the vegetarian, correct, Ernie.

Host:  Is this something that people should register in advance that they're going to be tuning in at the time so they can get all the login information and such?

Guest:  Yes, so there is a limited amount of availability due to the GoTo Meeting platform. So, if folks did want to participate, I would suggest RSVPing as early as possible because there will be a cut off. And for folks who do want to participate in the Annual Meeting virtually they can contact Jillian Moss at her email which is jmoss@wnyil.org

Host:  All right, and is there a phone number that people can leave messages in case they don't happen to have a computer handy?

Guest:  Certainly, they can call our office at 716-836-0822, and just ask for Jillian Moss. Once they RSVP, Jillian will send them the link to access the Annual Meeting virtually.

Host:  Terrific and we're so glad that this wonderful tradition is able to continue even than these times. Thanks for being with us, Dan.

Guest:  My pleasure, thank you, Ernie.

Host:  You've been listening to Independent Perspective, a public affairs presentation of WNYIL. Our guest today was Daniel Colpoys, Chief Community Engagement Officer with WNYIL, and your host was yours truly Ernie Churchwell.