Independent Living helps people with disabilities deal with COVID-19

Independent Perspective #1623

Guest:  Amy Danks

Topic:  Independent Living helps people with disabilities deal with Covid-19

Duration:  05:45

Published:  November 12, 2020

Host:  Welcome to Independent Perspective, a public affairs presentation of Western New York Independent Living. Our guest today is Amy Danks, Independent Living and Individual Support Service Specialist with Western New York Independent Living. And your host is yours truly, Ernie Churchwell. Welcome to the program, Amy.

Guest:  Thank you for having me.

Host:  We're pleased to have you with us. People for the last several months, probably haven't heard a single news cast without some mention of the effects of the covid-19 coronavirus pandemic on people, their jobs, their lives and so on. But you rarely hear anyone talk about a particular effect that it might have on our citizens with disabilities. Well since Western New York Independent Living is all about helping people with a variety of disabilities get the resources and information they need to improve their quality of their lives and live more self-sufficiently, it occurs that you could be playing a key role for individuals in the COVID times. First to give people a foundation, could you tell us what are the sort of services that Independent Living specialist offer?

Guest:  Independent Living specialists will assist people with housing, with applying for services in the community, such as snap, TANF, Medicaid. We also assist people as far as maintaining employment, getting reasonable accommodations when necessary, as well as accessibility in the community, as far as housing and affordability in housing.

Host:  Okay, and before we get too far, if you could tell people who aren't into rehab services, what snap and TANF stand for.

Guest:  SNAP is Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. (TANF is Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.)

Host:  Food stamps, in other words.

Guest:  It's basically food stamps and cash assistance through the Department of Social Services.

Host:  What sort of needs have you found that people have perhaps as a result of the pandemic?

Guest:  One of the things that I have found quite a bit of is we have individuals who are out of work as a result of pandemic who have needed assistance in applying for unemployment services, but are not always sure on how to do that. Don't have the communication skills to make it a smooth transition or don't have access to computers. And so, we assist them with that. Another thing that we've been working with his people who are in nursing homes and institutions who would like to get out but with a pandemic, it's become more difficult to achieve those goals.

Host:  So, you might say that you got your work cut out for you; that the challenges that normally make achieving these goals an uphill climb for people with disabilities are made worse because of the effects on the economy, and other aspects of life because of the pandemic. What would you advise people to start out with if they are looking for remedies to these problems, who should they contact?

Guest:  They should contact our intake department at 716-836-0822 extension 126. One of our intake specialists will get back to them within 24 to 48 hours, and they will ask the right questions to find out what the correct fit for them is, you know, which department would be best for them, and which person would best suit their needs.

Host:  And very briefly, is there a particular success story that stands out for you in terms of helping somebody in the pandemic times?

Guest:  I actually have several. I worked with quite a few of my consumers, individuals, to assist them in tracking their supplements, their stimulus payments and help them to figure out how to spend the money, as well as how to file for the money, which helps them to do things like pay rent and take care of medical needs that were not covered by Medicaid or other sources.

Host:  All right. And in case people didn't have a pencil handy what's that number again to call for more information?

Guest:  716-836-0822 extension, 126.

Host:  Thanks for being with us, Amy.

Guest:  Thank you.

Host:  You've been listening to Independent Perspective, a public affairs presentation of Western New York Independent Living. Our guest today was Our guest today was Amy Danks, Independent Living and Individual Support Service Specialist with Western New York Independent Living, and your host was yours truly, Ernie Churchwell.